What Is The Shiniest Gemstone?

We all at one point of time in life must have thought “what is the shiniest gemstone?”, it’s actually a really interesting and curious question in the gemstones universe.

We call shiniest gemstones from various names such as dazzle gemstones, shine gemstones or sparkle gemstones. In technical terms, the shine of a gemstones is measured on the basis of luster, fire, and brilliance.

Not all gems are the shiniest, all have different levels of fire, hues, luster and brilliance. We have selected some of the most shiniest gemstones for you.

All gemstones looks shiny to our eyes but in reality not all are shiny. Many people will think that diamond is the most shiniest gemstones but that’s not the whole truth.

What Is The Shiniest Gemstone?

Here is the list of gemstones that are known as the shiniest gemstones. These are the stones which have bright colors, and have good clarity to allows light in and out in them.

A cut of a gemstone also plays an important role in making it one of the shiniest gemstone.


Zircon is a natural gemstone which has high refraction of qualities. It is less durable than other stones. This gemstone is also not much hard like diamond.

It also shows great brilliance and also a fire which can be seen in multiple colors like blue, orange, red, etc. The difference between a diamond and a Zircon can only be known in the laboratory. Zircon shows a double refraction than diamond.


We all know how much the shine an diamond can emerge. It is one of the best sparkle stone in the gemstones universe. The shine of a diamond can be seen when it is cut with 58 facets.


It is also one of the shiniest gemstone in the world. Sapphire is available in colors like pink, orange, purple, blue, yellow, green, white and many more other colors. The dark blue sapphire doesn’t shows much brilliance but the light blue, yellow and orange sapphire is the most shiniest gemstones after diamond and zircon.

It is a gift for those who born in the month of December. You can also gift to someone who will celebrate their fifth and forty fifth wedding anniversary. If you want to be more romantic in your romance game then a sapphire ring is a excellent option for your wife or a girlfriend.

Sapphire word comes from the Latin language word “sapphire” which means “Blue”. Persians used to believe that the blue sky is nothing but a reflection of a big blue sapphire gemstone.


It is also the most valuable stone. Garnet has Lustre similar to diamond stone. Garnet is available in shades of green in colors. This beautiful stone is rare and also found in small sizes. Lighter color garnets shows more brilliance or sparkle than others gems.


This gemstones is very rare and barely seen it on the store or on someone’s body. It is the most shiniest stone after garnet. It sparkle lights in colors like gold, red, orange and yellow. It is found in green in colors.


This gem was discovered 2000 years back. It has vivid blue colors and other colors like red, purple and violet can also be seen  with the change in the angle.


It is also not much popular and very rare in nature. It is said that it shines 5times more than the shine of a diamond. Sphalerite is also one of the soft gemstone that’s why it is not the first choice of jewelers.

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