11 Astrological Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstone

11 Astrological Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstone-Gemstonesuniverse

Introduction to Opal Gemstones

Opal gemstone is widely known as the “queen of gemstones”. It has a pearly white luster which is accompanied by vibrant play of colors. This beautiful gem is also related to the planets Shukra and Venus. There are mainly three types of opal which are – precious, common, and fire opal. 

Birthstone for October

This beauty is ruled by the planet Venus. It is worn by those who were born in the month of october. Those who want to live a luxurious lifestyle or want to become rich should wear this beautiful stone. This is mainly related to luxury and strong bonding. If you have any kinds of physical issues in your body then wearing this stone regularly can reduce the problems from it.  

Importance of Opal Stones

  • Opal stone acts as a shield for the wearer against all negative energies.
  • A husband can gift this powerful stone to their pregnant wife as it is helpful in calming their body. 
  • One can ease their depression, and nightmares by using this vibrant stone. 
  • It is useful in connecting the wearer with the spiritual world. 
  • Many people wear this beautiful stone to tune up their feelings, desires, and emotions. 
  • If you want your thoughts to correct your logical, and critical thinking then this stone will definitely fit you. 
  • This beautiful opal stone is best for those who doubt themselves, it enables them to provide mind clarity. 

15 Physical Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstone

  1. Purify Blood in the Body
  2. Water Retentor of the Body
  3. Increase Insulin Production
  4. Boost Immunity in the Body
  5. Prevent from Infections
  6. Reduce Menopause
  7. PMS Symptoms
  8. Increase Brain Power
  9. Improve Eye Health
  10. Work as a Antioxidant for Skin
  11. Grow Hairs and Nails Faster
  12. Control Endocrine System
  13. Female Reproductive System Protector
  14. Stability Provider for Brain Hemispheres
  15. Cure Migraines

Emotional & Spiritual Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstones

  1. Stability Provider for Emotions
  2. Intensifies Seduction 
  3. Increase Positivity
    Spread Happiness
  4. Passion Finder
  5. Self Worth Increaser
  6. Opens Cosmic Consciousness
  7. Give the Will to Live
  8. Inspire Creativity
  9. Provide Foresight 
  10. Increase Self Awareness
  11. Overcome Inhibitions 
  12. Increase Esteem
  13. Boost Self Worth
  14. Heightens Intuition

Side Effects of Wearing Opal Gemstones

  • It may decline your prosperity levels. 
  • Romantic bonds may decline.
  • Connections with family and friends may fade. 


If you don’t know whether it’s a good choice for you or not…it is best for you to seek an astrologer or gemologist before using these gemstones.

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