Can We Wear Gemstones In Left Hand For Men?


It is a common misconception that gemstones and other jewelry cannot be worn in left hand for men. In fact, there are many different ways to wear jewelry on the left hand, depending on the type of gemstone and the design of the piece.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the most popular ways to wear gemstones on the left hand for men. We will also discuss the symbolism and meaning behind each style.

What Is The Meaning Of Wearing Gemstones In The Left Hand For Men?

There is a lot of debate surrounding the meaning of wearing gemstones in the left hand for men. Some believe that it is a sign of power and status, while others believe that it has more to do with the energy of the stone itself. However, the most popular interpretation is that it is a way to protect oneself from negative energy.

When worn on the left side, it is thought to block out negativity and create a more positive energy field around the body. Gemstones are believed to have a wide range of healing properties, so this interpretation makes sense.

Which Gemstones Are Suitable For Left-Hand Men?

When it comes to choosing gemstones for a man’s left-hand ring, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider the stone’s hardness.

This is important because a man’s left hand is typically his working hand, and a harder stone will be more resistant to scratches and wear. Second, think about the stone’s color.

A darker stone will be more masculine, while a lighter stone will have a more delicate look. Third, consider the stone’s size. A larger stone will make a bolder statement, while a smaller stone will be more subtle. With these factors in mind, here are some of the best gemstones for a man’s left-hand ring:-

  • Diamond: Diamond is the hardest gemstone, so it is very resistant to scratches and wear. It also has a masculine look that is perfect for a man’s ring.
  • Onyx: Onyx is a dark stone that has a very masculine look. It is also quite hard, making it resistant to scratches and wear.
  • Garnet: Garnet is a dark red stone that has a very masculine look. It is also quite hard, making it resistant to scratches and wear.
  • Sapphire: Sapphire is a blue stone that has a very masculine look. It is also quite hard, making it resistant to scratches and wear.

How To Wear A Gemstone In The Left Hand For Men?

Wearing a gemstone in the left hand is believed to bring good luck and fortune. It is also said to promote self-awareness, creativity, and intuition. There are several ways to wear a gemstone in the left hand. The most popular method is to wear it on the ring finger.

This is believed to be the finger closest to the heart, making it an ideal spot for promoting positive energy and intentions. Another way to wear a gemstone in the left hand is on a chain around the neck.

This placement ensures that the stone remains close to the body, helping to promote its healing properties. For men who want to wear a gemstone in their left hand, either of these methods is an excellent choice.

What Are The Benefits Of Wearing Gemstones In The Left Hand For Men?

According to the principles of feng shui, the left side of the body is associated with the feminine energy of the earth, while the right side is associated with the masculine energy of the heavens. Wearing a gemstone on the left side of the body is said to balance these two energies and promote health and harmony.

In addition, wearing a gemstone in the left hand is said to be beneficial for men because it helps to ground and anchor their energy. Gemstones are also believed to have powerful metaphysical properties that can help to improve mental and emotional well-being.

Which Finger Is Best To Wear A Gemstone In The Left Hand For Men?

The left hand is considered to be the weaker of the two hands, and therefore it is advisable to wear a gemstone on the right hand. However, there are some stones that are traditionally worn on the left hand.

The most important factor to consider when deciding which finger to wear a gemstone on is the stone itself.

Each type of stone has different metaphysical properties, and therefore it is important to choose a stone that is compatible with your own energies.

For example, if you are looking for a stone that will bring you luck in love, then you would want to choose a stone like rose quartz or amethyst.


There is no hard and fast rule about wearing gemstones in the left hand for men. Some people believe that it brings good luck, while others think that it wards off negative energy.

If you are interested in trying this out for yourself, we recommend doing some research to find out which gemstones are thought to be most beneficial for you. Once you have chosen your stone, wear it on your left hand with confidence and see how it makes you feel!

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