What’s The Cheapest Gemstone?

The potency of a gemstone depends on its presence in the earth’s crust. Almost all gemstones today can be made in the laboratory. Today, many jewelry is made with lab-made stones and this is the reason for their low cost. But the color and beauty of natural gemstones has no match with synthetic gems.

Buying stones for some people is a luxurious thing. Many gemstones are quite expensive for example ruby and diamond. All wish for them but only some have them.

In this blog we will know “What’s the cheapest gemstone?”, So let’s know about it.

What’s The Cheapest Gemstone?

Here is a list of some cheap gems (genuine stones) that you can buy for yourself or for your loved ones. But there is an exception here that the color variation in a specific stone can make it expensive and even cheaper with other colors.

#1 Amethyst

Amethyst is available in large quantities in nature. Its color ranges from light purple to dark purple. It has ability to protect a person from getting drunk.

It’s use has been found dates back since Egyptian Civilization. It comes in a very cheapest price in the market.

#2 Tiger Eye

It is formed in mix of golden-brown in color. They are known to have a silky surface. It has hardness of 5.5 to 6 Moh’s scale.

#3 Agate

It is a member of the quartz family. The bands are caused by impurities on the surface of the agate. It is formed in colors like grey, blue, white, black, red and orange.

#4 Kyanite

It helps in calming the mind and body of the wearer. Loose kyanite are more cheap than the stones with jewelry.

#5 Citrine

Citrine is quite rare in nature. Its color ranges from yellow to deep orange.

#6 Turquoise

In India, Turquoise is popular due to “bracelet of salman khan”. He has been wearing turquoise bracelet since many years for good luck. Some grades of this stone are expensive and other ones are quite cheapest. This blue gemstone can take away your breath with its beauty.

#7 Garnet

Garnet comes in a variety of colors. Garnet is available in two classes aluminum and calcium. Aluminum is made of red color and calcium is made of green color.

#8 Jasper

Jasper is found in colors like green, blue, yellow, red, and brown. It is available in cheap price. It is mostly used for making ornaments, jewelry and vases.

#9 Hematite

Hematite is an iron ore and that is why it is mainly available in mother earth. The color of hematite is silvery black.

#10 Onyx

Onyx is widely popular because it can be easily dyed. Its natural color is black but it is available in many colors and that’s the major reason for its cheap price.

#11 Peridot

It belongs to the olivine group of minerals. In early times it was mostly used by the Egyptians. It has yellow and green colours.

#12 Rose Quartz

This is another cheap and popular gemstone in the world. The pink version of rose quartz is translucent. It is one of the cheapest and also the beautiful stone in the world.

It is mostly used as a symbol of love since many centuries. Many artefacts and statues have been found to be embedded with Rose Quartz.

#13 Topaz

Topaz comes in various shapes and colors. It is one of the hardest stones. This gemstone is available in colors like white, brown and yellow. Blue topaz is the birth stone for the month of December.

#14 Zircon

This gemstone is found in small sizes in most parts of the world. It is best as an alternative to diamonds. Zircon comes in colorless, brown, red and yellow colors.


Above “What is the cheapest gemstone?” was the list. in the world. Hope this list can help you and you can buy an inexpensive yet quality genuine gemstone for your loved ones.


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