Where To Find Gemstones In Victoria?

Where To Find Gemstones In Victoria?

This could only be done in certain areas of national and state parks where mining was done. There are chances that you can find gems like diamond, garnet, topaz, turquoise, moonstone, peridot, zircon, etc. and gold.

Parks Where To Find Gemstones In Victoria?

ParkNearby Cities and Towns
Beechworth Historic ParkBeechworth
Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage ParkCastlemaine, Chewton, Fryerstown, Guildford, Harcourt
Chiltern-Mt Pilot National ParkBarnawartha, Beechworth, Chiltern, Eldorado
Creswick Regional ParkBallarat, Creswick
Enfield State ParkBallarat, Rokewood, Smythesdale
Greater Bendigo National ParkBendigo
Heathcote-Graytown National ParkHeathcote, Nagambie, Rushworth
Kara Kara National ParkAvoca, Moonambel, St Arnaud
Kooyoora State ParkInglewood, St Arnaud, Tarnagulla, Wedderburn
Maldon Historic AreaMaldon
Paddys Ranges State ParkMaryborough, Talbot
Reef Hills State ParkBenalla
Steiglitz Historic ParkAnakie, Meredith, Steiglitz
Warrandyte State ParkBend Of Islands, Chirnside Park, Christmas Hills, Kangaroo Ground, Warrandyte, Wonga Park
Warby-Ovens National ParkGlenrowan, Rutherglen, Wangaratta, Yarrawonga
Great Otway National ParkAireys Inlet, Anglesea, Apollo Bay, Cape Otway, Colac, Forrest, Lavers Hill, Lorne, Princetown, Wye River
Mornington Peninsula National ParkBlairgowrie, Boneo, Cape Schanck, Fingal, Flinders, Main Ridge, Portsea, Rye, Sorrento, St Andrews Beach

The area south of Victoria is an agricultural region. It has a population of over 30,000 people living in it.

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