What Month Is The Amber Gemstone?

The popularity of amber gemstone is growing day by day. In this blog, you must want to know “What month is the amber gemstone?”. We will discuss about the amber stone. Amber is known as the healing gemstones through its magical power it improve the health of the wearer. The healing properties of amber are heard many centuries back.

Just like every stone, Amber has unique colors, history, and composition. It is an expensive stone because of its rarity. Every amber jewelry has a meaning because it relates to our mom, friends, spouse, brother, grandmother, father, etc. That’s the reason to their importance.

What is an Amber?

Amber is a fossil came from tress. It took millions of year to form. They made from healthy trees or the decays of them. The resin gets buried in the land for centuries and the amber stone form.

Amber stone astrologically associated with zodiac sign “Taurus”. Some believe that amber can improve the eyesight if the person look directly into it for some time. It is available in pale yellow colors to dark yellow colors.

It is said that it is a healer of health, body and mind problems. One can build a deep love relationship with the person they want in their life with the help of the amber stone.

What Month Is The Amber Gemstone?

November month is the amber gemstone. This gem is beneficial for astrological signs like Scorpio , Sagittarius, Virgo , Taurus and Leo. Amber is the best birthstone for the month of November. It has unique colors, beauty, composition, and is a one of a kind in gemstones universe. Here is the table of birthstones by each month:-

Birthstone By MonthGemstone
JuneAlexandrite, Pearl & Moonstone
AugustPeridot, Spinel, & Sardonyx
NovemberTopaz, Amber & Citrine
DecemberTanzanite, Zircon, and Turquoise

The amber is helpful in balancing the emotion of the wearer by clearing his negative thoughts. Due to these healing properties, the amber is known as purifier in the world of gemstone.

Amber is known for transmission of energies that may cure cancer. In the ancient times, it was being mixed with honey to cure illnesses like asthma, black plague, cough, etc. Some people still used this gemstone for medicine purposes. This beauty has a hardness of 1.5 on the mohs scale.

It is used as a Talisman by some people to boost their self confidence. In the early times, the warriors used to wear this magical stones before going to the wars to get lucky. A real amber doesn’t get scratches easily even you try to that’s the identity of a genuine amber.


Technically, amber gem is not a birthstone. It is best for people having zodiac sign Scorpio , Sagittarius, Virgo , Taurus and Leo. Amber stone can cost you in between $15 to $30000. These prices are according to the Eastern Europe market. You can easily clean the amber with warm water and dry it with soft towel. Never put direct heat on the amber gemstone.

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