Why Are Gemstones From India So Cheap?

Why Are Gemstones From India So Cheap-Gemstonesuniverse

History Of India With Gemstones

Over the years, India has become a spiritual world for the spiritual people. India is a well-known popular gemstones, jewelry and beads hub around the globe. This country is a home of wonderful natural variety of gemstones, some which are not found anywhere else in the world.

Since 3200 BC, India is using gemstones in their arts and culture. Indian civilizations are one of the most admirer of gemstones. Taj Mahal – The 8th wonder has also embedded with gemstones that increase the ageless beauty of it.

Why Gemstones From India Are So Affordable?

Now after knowing the history of gemstones with India. You must be wondering to know, “why are gemstones from India so cheap?”.

There are many reasons behind “why are gemstones from India so cheap?”, some are mentioned below:- 


  • Gemstones are available in large amount in India. There are plenty of gemstones mines that makes India as one of the largest wholesaler of gemstones in the entire world.
  • There are numerous gemstones mines are available in India from which variety of gemstones are mined in bulk that makes it as the largest producer & manufacturer of gemstones.

Misrepresentation Of Size

  • This happens when the seller shows the different size of stone and mentioned the different physical dimensions in description. And the buyers end up getting satisfied with smaller stone.

High Competition

  • Gemstones are in high amount in the land of India, this increases the number of gemstones sellers which directly lower the cost of gemstones.

Misrepresentation Of Color

  • A photographer uses an illusionist’s trick which makes gemstones to look brighter, rich in color, sparkling than in real life in the photographs (images).

Cheap Labor

  • India is soon going to become the 1st largest populated country in the world, now stand 2nd behind china. Being the 2nd largest country in the world makes the cost of labor cheap.
  • The low cost of investment involved in the process of gemstones makes the gemstones available at a very low cost than the other countries.

Largest Consumer Of Gold

  • Since centuries, it is known that India is the largest consumer of Gold & its jewelry that directly increases the production of beautiful jewelry.

Misrepresentation Of Real Value 

  • Many gemstones sellers or dealers have gem certifications and sell their gemstones as A Grade. This is one of the oldest and best trick used to make buyers to purchase cheap gems for investment purposes without knowing the facts.

The Last Words

Buying cheap gemstones could be a bad decision, unless you don’t trust the seller or dealer. If you are expert of gemstones, then you know already what to buy or not. High-quality gemstones can be found at cheap rates, but they should be bought from the genuine, certified gemstones’ seller.

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