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Welcome to Gemstones Universe, Explore and Read Story. This place is for exploring the unexplored universe of gemstones. You can find variety of gemstones stories everyday. Keep showing your love to our stories by commenting and sharing them with your friends and family on social media.

  • 11 Astrological Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstone

    11 Astrological Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstone

    Introduction to Opal Gemstones Opal gemstone is widely known as the “queen of gemstones”. It has a…

  • 晚上睡觉时可以取下宝石戒指吗?


    我们可以在晚上睡觉时或一天中的任何其他时间取下宝石戒指吗?宝石爱好者的脑海中肯定会浮现出这个问题。所以答案是肯定的,你可以在晚上或任何时候取下宝石戒指,但你知道从手指上取下它们后会发生什么吗? 最古老和普遍的信念之一是,宝石戒指应该每天 24 小时、每周 7 天佩戴,基本上全年佩戴,以充分利用宝石的力量。 语言之外还有另一种语言,天堂和地狱之外还有另一个地方。 珍贵的宝石来自另一个矿场, 心灵从另一个来源汲取光芒。 – 鲁米 宝石信徒知道宝石会与身体的能量相互作用。当宝石被取下或从身体上拿走时,它就会与宝石佩戴者失去联系。因此,宝石的神奇力量就停止相互作用了。 阅读更多:- 何时佩戴 Gomed 宝石? 当宝石不与能量相互作用时,其神奇力量会进入待机模式。…

  • Is a Diamond a Stone?

    Is a Diamond a Stone?

    Is a Diamond a Stone? This may be a question that has been asked for generations, and…

  • How To Store Loose Gemstones?

    How To Store Loose Gemstones?

    Exist in a category whose life is fueled with crystal and coffee?, You can’t buy happiness, but you…

  • How to Stack Your Jewelry?

    How to Stack Your Jewelry?

    How to Stack Your Jewelry? Do you want to add an extra sparkle to your jewelry collection?…

  • How To Find Gemstones In BC?

    How To Find Gemstones In BC?

    When most people think of British Columbia (B.C.), they think of the Rocky Mountains, the ocean, and…

  • Can You Put Gemstones In A Fish Tank?

    Can You Put Gemstones In A Fish Tank?

    Aquariums are popular places to keep a variety of pets. Whereas most individuals associate aquariums with fish,…

  • Can Wear Gemstone For Debilitated Planet?

    Can Wear Gemstone For Debilitated Planet?

    There’s been a lot of talks lately about wearing gemstones to help with our personal planets. Some…

  • Can We Wear Two Gemstones In One Finger?

    Can We Wear Two Gemstones In One Finger?

    In the jewelry world, there are so many options to choose from when it comes to rings.…

  • Can We Wear Gemstones In Left Hand For Men?

    Can We Wear Gemstones In Left Hand For Men?

    Introduction It is a common misconception that gemstones and other jewelry cannot be worn in left hand…

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